USDQ StableCoin
Specifically, which contains a number of important components of the ecosystem, it is considered as obtaining credit in USDQ stable through the ownership of a crypto mortgage. The Deposit Amount for the purpose of issuing stable coins is D%, where point D is the final amount determined by the Q Box, which is considered a self-learning neural network and is approved by the management token holder. In this way, someone gets a loan to ensure the sustainability of the USDQ token.
Thus, if the latest crypto asset enters the ecosystem, smart contracts that are generated issue the latest USDQ and send it to the borrower. If the lender is trying to take out collateral and repay the loan, someone continues with the refund operation on the website, the presence of paying a specific profit rate due to the application of a stable loan. After the USDQ returns along with payment of fees for the use of plastic money, scriptactive de zasovyvayut and returns to the location of the borrower's wallet, and the USDQ token is burned.
Credit in USD tokens is allocated in a short time. If the loan continues, in this case, you must bring the Commission to the management q DAO token. If the loan is not returned on time, in this case, the guarantee in cryptocurrency is transferred to an inviolable stabilization asset. In the case of liquidation of the assets of the crypto stabilization Fund, the main one will be applied.
About Box q utility and what is it?
However, in guaranteeing crypto assets, consumers contain the possibility of not only obtaining a loan in USDQ, and determining the window on each device. The program involves self-learning neural connections that are ready to carry out monetary direction estimates on the basis of new product considerations, charts in trading monetary units.
This line investigates the neural procedures for the adoption of opinions. The speed of teaching depends on the number of crypto assets that the user has specified in the Deposit. More than their deposit, someone investigates faster and more and better monitoring happens. In addition, users can specify Qboxes on cell phones, tablets, laptops, thereby increasing the speed of their teaching. The program only works until now, as long as the user contains crypto assets on the Deposit.
The second role of this neural bond is that loved ones not only cast a shadow about monetary direction actions, but in this case, because of the period of removing DAO q tokens, which represents the importance of disposal tokens in promoting stable USD coins.
Q Box also contains 1 with the most important functions - without the concept there is no decentralized b. Neural data bonds present predictors that will predict the direction of digital currencies and provide resolution according to changes in deposit rates.
Q DAO token and a little about that
With the support of the DAO q management token, it is possible to vote on you and implement regulations that have a large impact on the entire ecosystem.
The neural connections of each user will be enhanced at their own pace, and for this reason, monitoring, what they do, will also be different. And if in one or the other case, the period of most of the Q boxes, regardless of their level of ownership, predicts that, for example, the direction of the crypto currency that is on the Deposit, will fall and will be needed to make an impact in accordance with the stabilization of the coins being stable by increasing interest rates on Deposits, in this case, this permit will be entered into a referendum, where the owner of any Q DAO management token can choose "against". If the owner of the DAO Q management token does not participate in the vote, a speech is automatically made regarding this permit. In this way, if the majority of users choose though, absolutely nothing is made, and if due to a change in concept. In addition to voting, the DAO Q management token is used to pay the Commission with the closing of the guaranteed debt display, the DAO Q token is also traded in a re-auction.
Most importantly, the USDQ StableCoin stabilization process
This Q box, which will provide an accurate resolution in the algorithm database about the need for crypto asset implementation if the cost falls below the estimate indicated. The presence of conclusions acceptance of the communication box q governs the condition of human impacts in the ecosystem.
Prices in contracts are continually held up to 1 USD. In this case, the period and price of the USDQ token in the re-auction can deviate from $ USD 1 to the significant or smallest side, the smart contract gives a price of 1 USDQ = $ USD 1. For this reason, if the value of the usdq token in CREases is re-traded, traders have the opportunity to buy USDQ using a smart contract, according to one value and sell it in re-trading according to the value. This leads to an increase in the amount of USDQ in trading and, according to this, to dilute costs, which gives it an evaluation of $ USD 1.
In cases if the USDQ costs in recurring bargains are lowered, without exception, done otherwise, it is like ly to buy USDQ in the stock exchange efficiently and smart contracts are more expensive, what causes the burning of USDQ in negotiations and in accordance with this, increasing costs for valuations of $ 1.
All USDQ smart contracts will only be possible in this case, if the stable coin owner in Deposit contains crypto assets. For this reason, to get income based on differences in usdq va lue, you must install crypto assets.
At this price, 1 USDQ in bargaining repeatedly is constantly stable for trader operations and changes in the amount of USDQ that remains in rotation.
The second method stabilizes the value of the USDQ tokens also related to the Q box. F% secure d scriptaction starts to apply if the cost of their bargaining falls at E% until now, until the Deposit will not reach the desired balance between the scriptactive number and issuing stable coins (D) with the aim of providing a value of USDQ 1 = $ 1. At the location where E, F, and D - the last value is determined by the Q box and approved by the management holder of Q DAO tokens. In case, if the cost of the script, which is in the Deposit, is downgraded to the threat assessment, is calculated before, in this case, script, which is in the Deposit, continue to apply the USDQ closure to be burned instantly, what will be the cost equation 1 USDQ up to 1 USD.
Whitepaper: https://usdq.platinum.fund/onepager
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